Say Yes To Moreproduce-05
Nature’s Farmacy


I’m a self proclaimed food snob.  There…I said it.  I would rather not eat at all than eat things that might harm my health.  My number one goal with every meal I consume is to nourish my body. But that wasn’t always the case.  For many years, food was comfort for me and the more indulgent, the better.  In fact, my favorite meal used to be a bacon cheeseburger with fries and cheesecake for dessert.  Today, it’s a bowl full of tempeh and roasted vegetables. And the more colors in that bowl, the better. 

What changed?  I began getting educated on the power of food.  Because I have been an affiliate with a global health food company since 2006,  I’ve been blessed with countless opportunities to watch educational videos, read powerful articles, and listen to forward-thinking doctors who’ve shared the fact that food is medicine. And I personally find that to be one of the most empowering concepts of all time.  

I don’t believe it would shock anyone for me to say that we have a serious food problem in our country today.  Food is pleasure, entertainment, and even a crutch for some individuals. Eating for the majority of the population, I believe, is more emotional than physical, and it’s easy to come up with a reason to indulge.  I’m bored.  Let’s eat. I’m stressed.  What’s there to eat? I’m lonely. It’s time to eat.  I get it. I had food insecurity issues for years. Growing up, groceries were only purchased on Thursdays, which was pay day. And when they ran out, we scoured the corner of cabinets to get by until grocery day came around again. The refrigerator was almost always more empty than full.

Here’s an interesting fact to consider.  Did you know that 90% of the foods we eat today didn’t even exist 200 years ago? I mean, I grew up eating things like Spaghettios, frozen fish sticks, and TV dinners. My vegetables came from a can. Today, kids have Pop-tarts and sodas for breakfast. More of the grocery store space is devoted to processed, packaged foods than fresh. Have you given any thought to how long these foods can sit on a shelf before they expire? With all the  added sugars, fats and chemicals, it’s no wonder we are among the wealthiest of countries with the unhealthiest population. We don’t have a health care system. We offer sick care; prescribing, treating and operating after the health challenge exists. The US actually has the highest rate in the world of people with multiple chronic conditions. Is this new information to you? Sometimes it’s what you don’t know that can kill you.

There’s a saying that has stuck with me for years since the first time I learned of it.  Our fork can be our greatest weapon of defense or a weapon of mass destruction.  When I heard that, it struck a very personal chord.  I’ve lived all my adult life with the threat of Parkinson’s disease.  My grandmother had it, and my mom has currently been battling it for over 30 years now.  When a neurologist tells you “you’re next…it’s simply genetics” it puts a distinct fear in you.  What’s your genetic curse?  We all have one.  Maybe it’s heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol, or Alzheimer’s.  What if I told you that you can break the genetic chain and that my mom’s neurologist was wrong.  

Statistics show that 70% of illness and disease are directly related to diet and lifestyle choices, not genetics.  Now, for someone not wanting to change their poor eating habits, they don’t want to hear that.  Ignorance is food bliss. But I was empowered by that fact, and I believe that most people will eat better when they are armed with the knowledge of how food nourishes and heals our bodies. If you can also be aligned with a community in support of positive dietary changes, you’re set up for even greater success.

That single health statistic has allowed me to wipe the genetic X off my forehead and be encouraged that the choices I make will provide me a higher quality of life. My goal is to have a health span that equals my life span. And I’ve made it my passion and purpose to help others do the same.  When you know something so powerful, how can you not share it with others? Aren’t we all here to make a difference in this world? I feel like David taking on the Goliath food industry sometimes.  But I am convicted and committed to guiding others to a healthier lifestyle. It’s what my community and company is all about. 

We are at a time in history when we need to become our own  #1 health advocate.  We can’t expect doctors to solve our ailments.  We need to take responsibility for our health.  Doctors do the best they can.  But they are overworked and under educated in nutrition.  Most medical schools spend less than 3 weeks teaching nutrition, and many even make that course elective. The doctor isn’t responsible for our good health, we are.  I think we’ve reached a point in time when it’s more important than ever to seek out education and solutions to protect our future health. So here’s some valuable “food for thought”.

Good food comes from nature.  It doesn’t have a label attached to it, and it’s existed since the beginning of time. Fruits and vegetables are the single most important food group that impacts our health in a positive way.  There are literally thousands of phytonutrients in each of them with specific health benefits.  So the more we eat, the better.  It’s foolish to think we could ever eat enough, and certain we can never eat too many.  Do you know the current recommendation is 7-13 servings of fruits and vegetables daily? Yet the average American eats 3-4 daily at most.  That’s not a small gap in our diets.   That’s a canyon.   But change is hard, right?  Where do we even begin? 

Maybe you’ve heard the saying “small steps lead to big results.” That’s the secret.  One simple change at a time is the best approach that provides lasting results.  The answer is not a diet. No food group is evil.  But chips, sodas, and cookies don’t even belong to a food group.  We’ve got to get back to nature’s pharmacy and nourish our bodies with as many plants as possible. The more we eat, the healthier we will be.  It really is that simple.  And if you don’t believe me, I’d encourage you to visit the websites of the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society.  Do your own research if needed. They both state that the most important thing you can do to prevent these diseases is eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.  

When I became a global health food affiliate years ago, I only saw a simple way to get more plants into my family’s diet and maybe help a few people I love be healthier too.  I didn’t envision becoming an advocate for change and supporting others on their health journeys.  But I’ve literally made that my life’s work. So, if you need help, let’s connect. The hardest thing to do is to take the first step.  If what I’ve learned over the years can benefit you in some way and make your path easier, I’m more than happy to share.

You see, I believe we all were given a divine purpose on this earth, and winning the war for real food is mine. Trust me, if this meat eating, midwest girl can radically change her diet over the years, you can too.  I don’t possess any special skills…just an understanding that food is medicine along with a desire to live a long, healthy life.  The more you know, the better choices you’ll make, and the healthier you’ll ultimately live.  After all, doesn’t it sound more enjoyable to spend your golden years traveling and cruising the world than rolling down the halls of a nursing home in your wheelchair?

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